Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Groupon Fail

If you are not familiar with Groupon here is the quick and dirty of it. It is a website that offers deals from local businesses. The deal is usually 50% or more off a service or a certificate that needs to be purchased by a minimum number of people in order to be available.

This can be a great marketing tool for your business. The hope is that it will bring in a large number of new customers who are getting a great deal. Because of the deal and the terrific customer service they will recieve when they visit your establishment they will return.

As I mentioned it is really used as a marketing tool, so I find it kind of hilarious when something like this happens:

For those of you who might not have caught the mistake that I'm talking about the coupon is for "Half off UPSCALE Fare at Glengarry Inn in Fairport" and for anyone above the age of 21 pizza is not typically considered "Upscale fare".

This made me laugh out loud today. (And now I will probably be punished with my own HUGE mistake for laughing at this person). I'm really not sure how no one caught this mistake before it made its way out to the public.

To be fair, we all make mistakes and everyone is allowed a big one now and then. We all screw up and have to try to find a way to laugh at ourselves about it even if it takes a day, a month, or a year. Hopefully at some point you will laugh.

Fortunately at some point today someone caught the mistake and they did rectify it on the Groupon site:

The fact that someone caught this at some point and they made the change help restore some of my faith in Groupon, but if I had my own business it would still make me think twice before using the site to help me market myself.

No one who cannot rejoice in the discovery of his own mistakes deserves to be called a scholar - Donald Foster (Professor of English at Vassar College)